This is the unbe-LAVA-able moment a drone managed to survive being pelted by liquid hot magma spewing from a volcano.
Incredible footage taken by videographer Danny McGee shows just how close his drone came to becoming roasted.
Danny, 27, was flying his tech over the Fagradalsfjall volcano in Iceland and decided to swoop in to one pulsating crater for a closer look.
As the camera rolls the boiling hot air and flying super-heated lava start to hit Danny’s drone sending it flipping backwards.
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It looks like it’s curtains for the camera equipment until at the last second Danny is able to regain control and take his singed wings out of there.
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Danny, from Manitou Springs, Colorado, USA, said he had been covering the frequent eruptions in Iceland for a number of years, but this was the first time he almost his custom built camera.

He said: “As a drone pilot I really can’t think of filming anything more epic than an active volcano.
“Drone technology has advanced a tonne in the past several years, and pretty much nowhere else on earth allows you to legally fly over a volcano – so that presents a unique opportunity to get footage that no one else has gotten before.”
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But Danny explained his bid to get a once-in-a-lifetime shot almost ended the existence of his drone this time.
He added: “When the lava first hit my drone and it started backflipping, I for sure thought it was a goner.
“But I tried to recover as best I could and was so surprised when the thing actually levelled out and I could control it.
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“As you can see in the video I beelined it right back to us and it barely made it. The next thought that went through my head was Holy s*** I need to look at that footage.”
Despite a brush with one of the most powerful forces in nature the drone Danny built surprisingly is still flying.
He continued: “What happened was basically a big chunk of lava hit and melted one of the propellers, but there wasn’t too much damage past that.
“The wires were slightly melted but that’s to be expected. Weirdly after this happened, I’ve been a lot more careful with it because I’d hate losing it, but I still bring it out on shoots with me all the time.
“Seeing the power of Planet Earth this close was incredibly humbling. I remember sitting and watching the lava slowly creep towards us thinking ‘there’s not a single thing we could do to stop this’.
“In reality, all of us are living on a thin little crust that floats on top of a planet full of molten lava.”
This article features on What’s The Jam.
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