Gordon Ramsay’s £19 English breakfast with just eight items has beeb branded ‘daylight robbery’
Customer Silvio Tattiscone went to one of the foul-mouthed TV chef’s Bread Street Kitchen restaurants.
There are six in London plus ones in Liverpool and Edinburgh.
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But foodies slammed the cost.

The meal appears to have one sausage, beans, one hash brown, one mushroom, one poached egg, two slices of bacon and one tomato.
Silvio boasted: “Bread Street Kitchen, a Gordon Ramsay restaurant, yours for £19.”
But fry-up fans weren’t impressed, as reported by What’s the Jam.
One fumed: “Our local cafe and sandwich shop gives you double that for half that price.”
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Another wrote: “£5.50 in Morrisons and you get toast.”
Alistair quipped: “I did better back when I was a Little Chef through college.”
Stella Doves said: “It’s just like buying any other designer label.
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“A complete rip off.”

Jane Pounder wrote: “Wow. I’ll make my own.”
Jules said: “B*oody hell. You could do a week’s shop at Aldi for that and feel fuller.”
Another said: “Looks like a motorway service station breakfast.

Yet one added: “At least Mr Ramsay remembered the baked beans.”