Gordon Ramsay’s £19 English breakfast with just eight items has beeb branded ‘daylight robbery’
Customer Silvio Tattiscone went to one of the foul-mouthed TV chef’s Bread Street Kitchen restaurants.
There are six in London plus ones in Liverpool and Edinburgh.
But foodies slammed the cost.
The meal appears to have one sausage, beans, one hash brown, one mushroom, one poached egg, two slices of bacon and one tomato.
Silvio boasted: “Bread Street Kitchen, a Gordon Ramsay restaurant, yours for £19.”
But fry-up fans weren’t impressed, as reported by What’s the Jam.
One fumed: “Our local cafe and sandwich shop gives you double that for half that price.”
Another wrote: “£5.50 in Morrisons and you get toast.”
Alistair quipped: “I did better back when I was a Little Chef through college.”
Stella Doves said: “It’s just like buying any other designer label.
“A complete rip off.”
Jane Pounder wrote: “Wow. I’ll make my own.”
Jules said: “B*oody hell. You could do a week’s shop at Aldi for that and feel fuller.”
Another said: “Looks like a motorway service station breakfast.
Yet one added: “At least Mr Ramsay remembered the baked beans.”