A baffled woman lost her wheelie bin but was then stunned after checking CCTV to find the refuse collector flung it in the dustcart.
Megan Ellerman scoured her neighbourhood for it.
The bewildered 31-year-old then checked her Ring security camera footage and watched as a binman emptied two bags out of the bin.
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But he then flung the whole thing inside the garbage truck.
“I was so confused,” Megan said.
“I was watching and thinking ‘What’s just happened? My bin has gone for good now.
“Thankfully I have a Ring device or I would have thought someone had stolen my bin.
“It’s so baffling because he took the two bin bags out first, then he hesitates and decides to fling the whole bin in there.”
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The doggy daycare owner had put her bin out the evening before, ready for the binmen’s arrival at 7 am on Tuesday (25 Feb)
Megan, of Cardiff said: “I didn’t notice if it was broken or anything but I wasn’t really looking.

“The next day, I noticed the bin was missing but I didn’t think much of it at first. I thought it might have been moved somewhere.
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“I ended up looking around the corner and in people’s gardens thinking ‘What the hell has happened to my bin?’.
The doggy daycare owner called Cardiff Council, who have arranged for the bin to be replaced free of charge.
Megan also told What’s The Jam: “I rang the council and they were laughing and said they hadn’t heard of it before.
“They put me through to the waste department and they said it doesn’t happen often but it might have been broken.
“Why didn’t he put a note through my door or something?.”
Pal Joshua Linforth joked: “That was personal.”

Demmi Harris said: “What compelled him to do that?”
Amy Irving added, “They have to do this when they are damaged for health and safety reasons.”
The local authority revealed the reason behind it.
A spokesperson for Cardiff Council said: “The council has viewed the video of a waste operative throwing an empty bin into the back of his truck.
“However, there is a clear explanation for this.
“The lip of the bin was damaged. When the lip is damaged, the bin cannot clamp onto the lifts correctly and can easily be thrown off during the lifting process.
“The video actually shows the operative spotting that issue with the bin when it was being emptied.
“He then followed council policy by putting the bin into the vehicle.
“Damaged bins like this pose a danger to our staff, as they can fly off the back of the vehicle lift and cause injury.
“The crew logged this incident at 7:30 a.m. on 25 February, and it is time stamped in the vehicle’s log.
“This places a service request to supply a replacement bin into our system.”
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