A trapped kitten has been rescued after becoming wedged between two lorry tyres.
The driver was carrying out an inspection of his truck when he spotted the stuck feline.
The curious kitten had become marooned between two tyres after snagging one of its claws.
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The rescue took place on the Ohio Turnpike in Portage County near Cleveland, US, as reported by What’s the Jam.
Footage shows Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) officers helping to dismantle the lorry’s wheel to free the fluffy feline.
The animal is then placed in a box and handed over to two volunteers of the Portage Animal Protection League.
A OSHP spokesperson said in a pun-filled statement: “Watch this meow-velous rescue of a kitten stuck in a semi’s wheel well.
“This seemingly im-paw-sible rescue mission had a happy ending.
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“Thanks to the purrfect teamwork by all on scene!”
One local commented: “Aww, glad the driver noticed it.”

Kiera wrote: “I’m so glad there was a happy outcome, thank you to everyone for being so kind to the frightened kitten.”
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Kimberly said: “I’m so glad that you took the time to be kind. Thanks to the driver and his friends!”
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