A super-strong tentacle robot has been designed which can help with day-to-day tasks – and it can lift 260 times more than its own weight.
The machine can grab eggs, strawberries and even collect tissue and toilet paper.
Using 2D movement, the humanoid robot has been created taking inspiration from octopus tentacles, elephant noses, and seahorse tails.
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It appears as one singular curled object and has the ability to manoeuvre itself 360-degrees.
The tentacle can be operated using different speeds and is able to grasp items automatically.
It has also been adapted to move around and flawlessly function when in confined spaces.
In a video, the tentacle robot can be seen in action, picking things up, moving them, and even placing them in bowls.
Objects such as rocks have been placed in its path as an obstruction during the visual demonstration.
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The robot is able to carefully navigate its way around the items which are in its way, and is successfully able to still grab what it needs to.
It can even throw things by rolling up with an item in its grip, before unravelling to launch it.
Things such as tennis balls can also be caught as the tentacle keeps itself straight and slowly bends itself to encompass the ball.
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The robot is also able to lift dumbbells weighing 260 times more than its own weight, as reported by What’s The Jam.
It can also operate with drones so that it can lift items off of the ground and carry them to a new location.
Through being attached to a machine with an extendable arm, multiple tentacles can be utilised for lifting bulkier items such as boxes and bowls.
With a tip measuring 0.14mm in diameter, the robot can even catch ants and place them down without causing injury.
The tentacle has been created by the University of Science and Technology of China.
It is thought that this invention will be well suited for helping humans who work in the field of unmanned aerial vehicle logistics.
In the future, it may also come in handy during experiments that require fine operation.
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