A rare toy lorry with the wrong colours has sold for a whopping £13,500.
The Matchbox Regular Wheels 13d Dodge BP Wreck Truck was originally produced in 1965 with a green cab and lemon body.
But the original colour scheme was quickly changed to a lemon cab and green body.
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There was only a very limited run of the original colour scheme, so models particularly in good condition, are rare.

It made them sought after because of the change.
The toy was estimated to fetch just £2,500.

But it went for over five times the amount in the sale at Vectis Auctions, in Middlesbrough, as reported by What’s The Jam.

It was bought by a determined telephone bidder in the auction on Wednesday.
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A Vectis spokesperson said: “This is the highest price achieved for this reverse colour wreck truck at Vectis.”