A woman tossed her handbag over a roof in fear after mistaking two arriving bikers for thieves.
The two lads, who were simply going home, returned the bag to the spooked lady.
The clip shows the woman walking along the pavement with her handbag hanging over her shoulder.
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As she passes the entrance to a house, the two men appear on their motorbike.
They turn sharply towards the entrance and stop just in front of the woman’s path.
Suspecting the pair are thieves, she lobs her handbag over the terrace roof and nervously backs away.
One man jumps off the bike and apparently says something to her before entering the property.
He returns with the woman’s handbag and hands it back to her.
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The nervous lady gives them a wide berth as the kindhearted biker shakes his head.
The video was filmed in the Colombian capital Bogotá last week.
The clip has been widely shared on X where it amassed 170,000 views and dozens of comments, as reported by What’s The Jam.
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One local said: “I’m not going to judge her because that would be me.”

Another agreed: “Who can blame her?”
“What about the poor dog that was suddenly hit by a handbag?” asked someone else.
Marcela wrote: “Hahaha, anyone would react in fear like that.”

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