A doomsday prepper has revealed how she’s feeding her family for less this Christmas – using almost expired items from her costly stockpile.
Rowan MacKenzie is well-known for her expert advice in preparing for any disaster, including the end of the world.
The 40-year-old began stocking up her cupboards 13 years ago and initially started with long-life essentials, such as beans and rice.
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Over the years, she’s moved onto learning how to preserve goods and says that most of her stockpile shouldn’t expire for at least another 25 years.

Though, thanks to her “flawless” rotation system, there’s little-to-no wastage – most of which the family consumes as part of their Christmas dinner.
“Usually the holidays are when I do a lot of my stock rotation,” the homemaker told What’s The Jam.

“This means that any items I have that go with a holiday meal [that are due to expire] are used up.
“And in turn, I make room for more items.
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“Most of the dried fruits, nuts, sauces and canned goods are from my stock.
“But mostly, it’s just bits and pieces that are almost out of date.”
Rowan, from the US, has spent over $350,000 (USD) (£274,000) on her stock, as well as a hidden underground bunker that has been built into her basement.
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And thanks to this whopping spend, she’s able to cut back in other areas; especially when feeding the masses at Christmas.
She said: “My whole family attends, there’s usually around 15 people that I feed each year.
“I don’t have to spend much since most of everything I need is already in my stock.
“Usually, I only spend $50 (USD) (£39) on food for the entire holiday.”
Rowan recently revealed how “grateful” she was that Trump had been elected back into the White House.

His victory has meant that she, and many other preppers, are able to “take a break” from rushed stockpiling due to his “hero” attitude.
But for now, she has a strong warning to everyone this holiday season.
She added: “My biggest advice; don’t panic.
“Breathe, make a list and execute.
“There is no better feeling than knowing you are ready for anything that could happen and having your family protected.
“My friends and family think I’m crazy.
“But when the time inevitably comes, they won’t be calling me crazy then.”
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