A massive food fight broke out in McDonald’s after staff got a customer’s order wrong.
A video and images of the incident were shared to Instagram, gathering over 81,000 likes, after the argument escalated yesterday (20 January).
The clip shows the moment a woman lunged at the McDonalds counter, throwing her drink on staff, as reported by What’s The Jam.
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The employees decide to fight back and throw drinks as well as fries, burgers and ice cream in her direction.
A member of the public tries to hold the woman back but she goes for them again.
A member of staff then throws a milkshake down the side of her coat.
Other customers in McDonalds can be seen chatting and laughing as fight continues.
But eventually more people get involved.
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A staff member throws a bin over one man, while another is hit with litres of Coca Cola.
The fights stops after a straw holder is tipped over, sending straws flying all over the counter and floor.
The incident happened at a branch in Amsterdam.
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Over 2,000 people have commented on the post.
Leroy said: “These employees don’t need a team building outing.”

Zouf added: “I bet the employees had the time of their life having a food fight at work.”
Alexandros wrote: “That little guy throws a trash can bigger than himself and runs right away. He is 100% somebody’s little brother.”

Someone else commented: “I thought this kind of mess only happened in America.”
Another user joked: “There was no toy in the happy meal.”
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