An unlucky woman missed out on a £3.6million lottery win after all her numbers were just one away from the winning ones.
Nicole Makrigannis took part in the prize draw which would have landed her £10,000 a month for 30 years.
The makeup artist picked the numbers 3, 12 ,20 ,39 ,44 and 6 in the Set For Life lottery.
The monthly wins adds up to £3.6million over three decades.
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READ MORE: Man buys 30 lottery tickets and all come up trumps…for second time
Nicole, 23, did her pick for the Set For Life lottery draw – part of the main National Lottery – for the Monday (18 Mar).

But she was gutted when the draw was made and she noticed her hilarious misfortune.
The balls drawn were 2, 11, 19, 38, 43 and 6, just one number less than the numbers she had picked.
Nicole, of Liverpool, said: “Oh my God.
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“Why do bad things always happen to me?
“It wasn’t in the universe’s plan to let me live my life.”
Pal Adam, of Sheffield, stated: “This would be my 13th reason why.”
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Another said: “It’s called ‘one off’.
“Usually means you’re really close to the big win.
“The universe is just testing to see how you’ll respond.”

Haleigh Bailey said: “No, this would begin my villain era not going to lie.”
Another added: “Just the words ‘set for life’ after seeing those numbers would’ve had me rocking back and forth in the corner sobbing.”
The article features on What’s The Jam.
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