Students can take a course in UFOs and will learn about Britain’s most famous close alien encounter.
Ex-cop and flying saucer boffin Gary Heseltine is now turning tutor.
He will deliver a course on the Rendlesham Forest Incident to students at a university in California.
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Ubiquity University has launched the world’s first certificate and degree programme in ET studies.
It will work with the US Congress to release information on UAPs – aka – unidentified aerial phenomena – to the public.

And ex-British cop Gary, of Featherstone, West Yorkshire, is set to deliver a course over Zoom delving into the world-famous Rendlesham case dubbed the British Roswell.

He launched the UK’s first UFO tour through Rendlesham Forest, near Ipswich, Suffolk, where it is claimed a UFO landed and was seen by US air force personnel, last year.

Now, over the course of four weeks, students will hear Gary review in four 90-minute lectures the best evidence that has been accumulated since December 1980.
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Using his former police detective skills he will examine, analyse and make reasoned determinations as to its relevance to the case, as reported on What’s The Jam.
Students will have a 15-30 minute Q&A session with the author at the end of each lecture.
They will be given tips on how to interview witnesses, the nature of evidence. Together will develop an in-depth appreciation of this important case.
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The course is based on his new book Non-Human The Rendlesham Forest Incidents: 42 years of Denial.
Gary, 64, has interviewed numerous military witnesses involved in the incident.

His evidence-based book, using techniques from his 24-year police career and as an advanced interviewer, includes startling new revelations that US personnel fired their weapons at UFOs buzzing RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk.
The scary encounters happened outside the twin NATO airbases at the height of the Cold War over three/four nights in December that year.
Strange lights were seen by security patrols and one female supervisor is said to have fired her M16 weapon at a strange ball of light.

Gary, who clocked up 24 years in the British Transport Police and six years in the RAF police, has spent 16 years researching the Rendlesham case.
Gary, who also edits the UFO Truth magazine and is Vice President of the International Coalition for Extra-terrestrial Research said: “The book’s conclusions indicate that there were at least 17 different UFO related events over a three to four-day consecutive period in late December 1980.
“And none of them can be explained in terrestrial terms.”
Gary also runs a website – UK Pilots Reporting UAP website – dedicated to creating a safe platform for pilots and those in the aviation industry, who wish to report cases of UAP.

The university offers remote course but is based in Mill Valley, near San Francisco, California, US
A Ubiquity University spokesperson said: “We are pleased to announce a partnership with the New Paradigm Institute to create the world’s first Academic Certificate and Degree Program in Extraterrestrial Studies.
“This course counts towards the 8 course Academic Certificate in History, Law, Politics and Technology of UFO/UAP by the New Paradigm Institute.
“By joining this program, you will become part of the first wave of human beings dedicated to enabling humanity to enter its ET Moment in a spirit of open heartedness toward all beings, whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial.”
The Rendlesham Forest Incident course, costing £158 ($199), starts on 27 November.
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