An intrepid pub landlady has swum the length of Loch Ness and may have glimpsed the legendary monster.
Dani Cameron endured the 23-mile dip in dark, cold and foggy conditions.
The 51-year-old took 15 hours and 50 minutes without being allowed to touch her support boat or helpers.
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Dani, who runs the Shoulder of Mutton in Strumpshaw, Norfolk, is now one of fewer than 100 people who have completed the challenge.

It is two miles further than swimming the English Channel, as reported by What’s The Jam.

After completing the epic she said: “I’m very tired.
“I won’t be doing the hokey cokey any time soon, my arms really hurt.
“It was a swim of three parts, really cold to start with, really windy in the middle when I cried and wanted to get out.
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“And then, I finished under the Milky Way and shooting stars which was lovely.”
Dani started the swim at 6am on Saturday (31 Aug) in the darkness just before the sun rose and finished in the darkness just before 10pm.
She was only allowed to wear a swimming costume in water temperatures of around 10C and air temperature of 6C.
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And prepared for the challenge sitting in a cold plunge pool in the cellar of the Shoulder of Mutton.
She added that during the swim there were glimpses of something beneath her in the famed loch’s murky depths.
“I saw shadows under me when the sun started to break up the fog.
“But I soon worked out it was either me or the support boat,” she said.
Her efforts have raised more than £3,000 for Little Lifts breast cancer charity in Norwich.
Next, Dani plans to swim the North Channel between Northern Ireland and Scotland, as part of a relay next June.
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