A giant, 25ft long whale has been found washed up at a UK beauty spot.
The body of the minke whale was spotted in the shallow sea water.
It is believed it may have died before washing up.
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Beachgoers have been advised to beware as the carcass is decomposing at Lunan Bay, Arbroath, Scotland.
Nearby Lunan Farm Campsite and Shop advised dog walkers to take care visiting the popular beauty spot, as reported by What’s The Jam.
A spokesman said: “We want to inform all visitors, especially those with dogs, to be extra careful when visiting Lunan Bay.
“A whale has sadly washed ashore on our beautiful beach.
“While efforts are underway to manage the situation we advise keeping your pets on a leash and away from the area for their safety.
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“We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time.

“Our café will be open as usual offering a warm place to relax while you enjoy the coastal views from a safe distance.
“Thank you for helping us keep Lunan Bay safe and enjoyable for everyone.”
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Some locals found the death distressing.
Vic Irons said: “Such a shame.

“Looks quite badly injured prior to washing up.”
And Susan Johnston Stirling added: “Very sad to see such a beautiful animal in this state.
“I hope someone removes it soon.”
Angus Council is assessing the best way of dealing with the body.
A spokesman said: “Officers have attended Lunan Bay to carry out investigations relating to a stranded whale carcass.

“We continue to consult with local landowners and stakeholders, such as SEPA and the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme to ensure appropriate action is taken going forward to remove the whale.”
Minke whales can grow up to 29ft long and live in the Atlantic.
They feed on krill and are not deemed dangerous to humans but have been known to chase boats out of curiosity.