A pair of ghost hunters claim a spirit told them to “eat s**t“ when they disturbed it in an abandoned graveyard.
Paul Cowmeadow, 48, and Ed Francis, 51, own Gloucester Paranormal Investigation Services (GPIS) and are well known for their spooky adventures across the UK.
The best friends, who bonded over their love of all things paranormal, decided to start planning investigations seven years ago.
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They now explore churches, railways, farm houses, abandoned buildings and even graveyards.
On one occasion, they visited Horton Road Cemetery in their home county of Gloucestershire.
“The graveyard is said to be part of the now abandoned Horton Road Mental Hospital,” Paul told What’s The Jam.

“And patients from the asylum are believed to be buried there.
“It has since been left to overgrow and hidden away and even though the public walk by it every day, nobody really sees it.
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“The cemetery is also well known for being haunted.”
Two weeks ago, the pair made their way over for the investigation to start at 10pm.
Paul said: “As we entered the graveyard the atmosphere completely changed.
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“Even though there’s a road and a public path just on the other side of the wall it felt almost like we were somewhere else.
“The overgrown look of the place certainly made it look and feel creepy.
“We felt like we weren’t alone, like we were being watched, which is what we managed to confirm during our investigations there with the responses that we received through our equipment.
“While moving around the graveyard a spirit asked a question through the spirit talker app, asking ‘Am I dead?’
“We responded by telling them ‘yes, you are, sorry.’
“And then the spirit generated two more words for us – eat s**t.
“We came to the conclusion that it must be a spirit in denial who doesn’t want to believe they are actually dead.”
The pair said the spirits also asked: “what’s the box”, “explain that device” and “abandoned”.
In one video they shared online, a ball they had taken with them moved off a grave with the name Thomas on it.
Paul said: “The spirits also produced the word ‘abandoned’ which made us think about how the graveyard is abandoned and nobody takes care of the graves any more causing them to become overgrown and almost invisible in places.
“At one point, Ed started removing some of the ivy and leaves away from a nearby grave making it more visible.
“And the spirits produced the words ‘thank you so much’ and also said that it was nice to see us.”
The friends shared a video of their search to Facebook.
They can be seen exploring the graveyard and the voices of spirits can be heard through their spirit talker.
Paul added: “This is one of those locations that will definitely be ongoing for us.
“The spirits that reside there enjoyed our company and were glad that we returned to communicate with them.
“And we hope that the spirit that is in denial about being dead isn’t too offended.
“We will be sure to apologise to them on our next visit.”
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