A man has gone viral after sharing how he met the love of his love while on a solo trip and now lives 5,000 miles apart from his girlfriend.
When Vincent Rankila boarded a flight to Bangkok, he only intended to stay in Thailand for a month.
Just two weeks into the trip, the 27-year-old singleton found 29-year-old, Nattaya Chaicharoensnub.
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The pair met through Tinder – proving that dating apps can indeed work as your perfect match just might be abroad.

Vincent was so besotted with Nattaya that he decided to postpone his return home – for six months.
Due to laws that could stop Nattaya from moving to live with him in the future, he was soon forced to return to his hometown of Luleå in Sweden.
The couple are now committed to a long-distance relationship while they plan their future.
They haven’t seen each other in 120 days.
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“When we first met, it felt like we were in a different world compared to everyone else in the room,” Vincent, who works as a lecturer specialising in mental health, told What’s The Jam.

“There was something in Nattaya’s eyes and the way she was always so happy that made me realise even then that she was someone I wanted to be with.
“We matched each other’s energy so well and I felt like I could be myself around her.
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“After our first date, we went on several more dates, from diving, which is our shared passion, to various dinners, amusement parks, and just spending time together.
“My trip was initially meant to last a month, but as that month slowly came to an end, I decided to extend my visa to stay for another month – and then I just kept going.
“I think it’s hard to find love nowadays wherever you look.
“There’s a hookup culture and Nattaya and I have never fit into that.”

The couple were so confident in their love that Vincent moved in with Nattaya after his hotel booking ended on October 5.
After Vincent went home, Nattaya, who works as an assistant development manager at a law firm, paid 60,000 Baht (£1,336) for a flight to Sweden.
She met his family and got to see snow and go skiing for the very first time.
That was in April 2024 and the couple haven’t seen each other since.
Vincent said: “It has been 120 days since we last touched.
“Being apart from your soulmate is incredibly difficult, especially when the distance is an 11-hour flight away and an expensive one at that.

“We talk every day, have weekly dates and share our lives with each other just as much as we did when we were physically close.
“We’ll watch movies together, eat dinner, enjoy some wine, and we sometimes save TikToks with deep questions that we ask each other.
“Our relationship is much stronger than the distance between us.”
Vincent and Nattaya hope to be able to reunite soon.

They are planning to live in Sweden and are currently in the process of submitting the required paperwork.
Unfortunately, it is a slow process, and it could take anywhere between five to fifteen months.
They are hoping that they will be living together by the winter 2025.
Due to local laws, Nattaya is recommended not to visit Sweden for 15 months as this can affect the visa process.
The couple are willing to stick it out and look forward to having a family together soon.
They hope to meet again in November, to go on a diving holiday with Nattaya’s family.
Vincent said: “Many people might wonder why we would invest so much time in a person we won’t be able to see properly for such a long time.”

“For us, it’s different. Neither of us has ever found the kind of love and communication that our relationship fosters.
“It’s something we believe is worth fighting for, and because we want to share our entire lives together, this challenge means nothing in comparison.”
21 August 2023 – Vincent flew to Thailand for the first time.
23 March 2023 – Vincent flew home to Sweden.
5-15 April 2024 – Nattaya visited Vincent in Sweden.
November 2024 (hopefully) – When the couple hopes to meet next.
Hopefully, by summer/winter 2025 – When they anticipate her visa coming through.

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