A family were hiss-terical when they discovered a 3ft-long snake hiding under their sofa.
Rescuers received a call for help from a distraught mum who had spotted the reptile’s head poking out from her couch.
When they arrived at the house they found a stricken family-of-four standing outside in their garden.
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They later determined the escaped pet snake, which they nicknamed Micky, was a Florida Kingsnake.
It is thought he slithered into the home through an open door, in Boston, Lincolnshire.
But it is not known where the snake escaped from, and efforts are ongoing to track down his owner.
Jamie Mintram, from Ark Wildlife & Dinosaur Park, collected the snake after reassuring the family, as reported by What’s The Jam.
An Ark spokesman said: “We occasionally receive calls asking to remove a snake from someone’s home.
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“In the past we’ve rescued a corn snake – a species from North America – which was an escaped pet from a conservatory.
“Often it’s just a native grass snake someone has seen in their garden that just needs to be left alone.
“But yesterday we received a call from a distraught lady saying there was a snake under her sofa.
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“Jamie went off to investigate to find the whole family outside their house.
“After lifting up the sofa he was surprised to find a metre-long Florida kingsnake, definitely not a Lincolnshire native.

“The poor little snake was very cold.
“He’s now back at the Ark having warmed up and been health checked.
“If anyone has lost a Florida kingsnake please contact the Ark.
“We will need to see proof of ownership.
“In the mean time he’s safe and well and if no owner can be found he’ll stay at the Ark.
“Never a dull day.”

Mr Mintram said he understood why the family were scared.
He said: “If you aren’t used to snakes, having one turn up in your house in the middle of the night is probably going to freak you out.”
Florida Kingsnakes are typically about 3ft in length can reach 5ft 11in.