A doctor has gone viral on TikTok warning men why it is so important to properly wash their genitals.
The NHS GP, who goes by Doctor Sooj on social media, issued a stern warning to men about their “one-eyed trouser snake” – explaining that, without good hygiene, they could get balanitis.
Balanitis is when the head of the penis is swollen and sore, and can cause pain when peeing, a thick discharge under the foreskin, bleeding around the foreskin, and an unpleasant smell.
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Doctor Sooj, 31, from Hertfordshire, shared a video highlighting the importance of keeping the genitals clean and gave advice on how best to do this – with the clip garnering 200,000 views.

In the video, he says: “Ever had an infection of your one-eyed trouser snake?
“It’s called balanitis and it causes the head of your penis to be red and sore.
“I’ve seen several cases in the last few weeks and I just want to highlight the importance of good penile hygiene.
“Make sure you clean your willy every day with a mild, non-fragranced soap or emollient.
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“This applies to people both with and without a foreskin.
“If you have a foreskin, gently pull it back and clean under it to prevent the build-up of smegma.
“Then either air dry it or pat it dry with a towel.
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“If moisture keeps building up under the foreskin, it just increases the risk of you developing bacterial and fungal infections.
“If you notice irritation, inflammation, or too much smegma book an appointment with your GP surgery.”
He advises that people should wash their penises every day using warm water.
“It’s important to pull the foreskin all the way back and wash under the foreskin using just water or an emollient,” Doctor Sooj told What’s The Jam.
“Soaps can irritate the skin and increase the risk of balanitis.
“If you’re at higher risk of infections, then it’s important to dry your penis properly, both after the shower and after going to the toilet.
“It’s fairly common for boys and men to see a GP with balanitis, and it’s simple to treat with either steroid cream, antibiotic cream or anti-fungal creams.
“In persistent cases, sometimes a circumcision can be recommended.”
The GP said his latest post is “based on numerous cases” he has seen over the last few months.
One viewer, Aj, commented: “So your telling me you need to clean underneath!”

Another person said: “Clean it vigorously every day and air dry.”
Sarah said: “The amount of men that need to know this, dating apps be showing all the guys that can’t retract the foreskin and think it’s normal.”
“Do we need to be told to clean it?!” asked one viewer.

Someone else wrote: “The fact that you have to tell grown men to clean themselves properly.”
Another user asked: “Who the hell doesn’t clean it every day!”
Neil added: “Clean it every day.”
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