A woman who eats only animal products and no vegetables has revealed her Christmas Day diet – and it’s not for the fainthearted.
A former vegan, Laura now eats an extremely limited diet of just meat, fish, eggs, cheese and fats and reports noticeable incredible health benefits.
And while many diets are paused for the holidays, the 39-year-old stays true to hers, with Christmas dinner being a platter of turkey and ham and not a scrap of vegetables in sight.
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For pud? She bakes a meaty “cake” using only animal products – including pork crackling.
“As a carnivore of one-and-a-half years, I mostly eat red meat, [as well as] some white meat, eggs, cheese, fish and seafood,” Laura, an IT professional from London, told What’s The Jam.

“On Christmas Day, we always make a roast, and this year will be a turkey and a ham bought from a local butcher.

“My family do eat some low-oxalates vegetables like cabbage, cucumber, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, so they will have some of that – and I will have only meat.
“My ‘cheat’ food is cheese, and I am definitely going to have a bit more than on a normal day.
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“It’s not worthy to cheat with anything else because I know if I will stick with carnivore, I will feel great and not bloated, [have no] stomach cramps, acid reflux and so on that I suffered in the past – and especially on celebrations like Christmas.”

Last year – her first Christmas as a carnivore – Laura said it was the first one she spent not feeling she was “exploding from food”.
Laura eats between 600-800 grams of meat a day and doesn’t struggle over the holidays because her family largely follow the keto diet – which focuses on a high fat and protein intake, and low carb.
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She added: “All of my family eat only clean foods, but I personally know I react even to keto foods so stay away from them.

“I don’t feel left out – my family always includes me and respects my choice.
“In my family, there are no ultra-processed foods.
“Everything is cooked freshly choosing the best ingredients possible.”
For Christmas Eve, Laura indulges in a fishy feast, which last year involved a rainbow trout and shrimp.

Laura and her family became interested in what they were fuelling their bodies with after her niece was born with several food allergies four years ago.
Since then, they discovered they are intolerant to gluten, and from there have largely eaten a keto diet together.
Laura’s is the most restrictive, eliminating anything that isn’t an animal product.
For her birthday, she made her own ‘cake’ using double cream, mascarpone, ricotta, butter and pork crackling – which she is recreating this year for Christmas.

While critics said she would “die from a heart attack” if she continued the extreme diet, Laura said the benefits have been endless, and she has no plans to eat a more traditional diet again.
And she also claims it is budget-friendly despite eating steak every day, estimating she spends almost half as much money on groceries now as she did as a vegan.