A group of cyclists has been attacked by a swarm of bees on a mountain trail.
Footage shows the riders trying to flee along a narrow path while being stung.
At least one man seemingly abandons his wheels to escape the insects on foot.
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While fleeing the area, the group is seen swatting their faces and covering exposed areas of skin.
Members are heard screaming in pain as they struggle to fight off the bees while navigating the overgrown terrain.
According to reports, the cyclists encountered the bees while riding through the mountains outside of the Colombian capital Bogotá.
They managed to put some distance between them before getting held up on a narrow stretch of the trail.
But the swarm soon caught up with them.
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Many group members refused to leave their bikes behind.
Local media said everyone in the group was stung by the bees.
They managed to make it to the foot of the mountain before seeking medical attention for multiple stings, as reported by What’s the Jam.
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The authorities reminded locals that they should move away slowly if encountering a swarm of bees as sudden movements generally anger the insects more.
If a bee flies near your body, it is recommended that you don’t try to hit it.
Instead, remain still or only make subtle movements until it moves away on its own.
It is also advised not to throw rocks or sticks at a beehive to try to knock it down.
One local commented: “The last thing you should do is run, just leave them alone.”

Victor wrote: “If you kill one, more and more will come to you.”
Felipe said: “That’s why you should always keep the most inexperienced person at the back, nobody could run fast because of him.”
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