A huge pothole in a road left motorists stunned after it revealed a Victorian cobbled street underneath.
The enormous hole was spotted in the tarmac in the middle of a road.
A large section of the tarmac was so worn, it exposed the old road beneath.
The bricked street appears to be in better condition than the tarmac even though it is at least 123 years old.
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It was spotted by Ronnie McGowen on Renfrew Street, Glasgow.
He said: “Drivers check your tyres after driving down Renfrew Street.
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“Glasgow roads are not so good.”
But locals were left in stitches at the pristine condition of the old street beneath.
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Niall Barid said: “Superb cobbling, still in pristine condition, hundreds of years after being laid.
“While the surface over it has probably deteriorated several times in the years since it was first laid.”

Arthur Daley joked: “Have Time Team been filming a new series?”
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Another person added: “The road from the Victorian times is still intact.”
Tom said: “The history of the road coverings all in one pothole.”
Vlad Mihai said: “The fact that the roads below are better.”

The council fixed it within three days later.It has been filled in with fresh tarmac.
Ronnie added: “Three days later, amazing what a ‘wee spruce up’ can do”
A spokesperson for Glasgow City Council said: “We are aware of this road surface fault on Renfrew Street and it will be repaired as a matter of priority.
“Potholes can appear suddenly at any time and are caused by environmental factors such as volume and weight of traffic, ice and rain.”
The Victorian era was from 1837 to 1901 during the reign of Queen Victoria.
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