Customers were left in hysterics after Currys enlisted a Gen Z employee to write a script for their advert.
In the ad, a staff member showcases the store’s offers using only lingo used by those born between late 1990s and early 2010s.
The employee used phrases such as ‘giving me life’ and ‘no gassing’.
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They begin the clip outside the store telling customers they can have a ‘brat summer’ at Currys and describing the offers inside as ‘hitting different AF’.
Urban dictionary defines a brat summer as ‘an unapologetic party or messy girl aesthetic for the summer’ while hitting different is ‘to listen or experience something that conveys a different emotion or feeling than when previously experienced’.
He then highlights a microwave by saying it ‘ate and left no crumbs’.

The younger generation use the term when talking about something that is done perfectly.
Next, he approaches a colleague who is hoovering and describes the act as ‘very understated, very subtle, very mindful, very demure’.
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The term is from a social media trend which is all about being ‘cutesy and clean’.
They continued the tour of the shop by presenting an air fryer which he says is the ‘GOAT and will have all your guests saying slay queen, she cooked’.

GOAT is an abbreviation for greatest of all time and ‘slay queen’ can be used to hype someone up.
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The video has racked up more than 1.9 million views, 277,900 likes and 2577 comments, reports What’s The Jam.
One viewer described the advert as the ‘best marketing ever’ and others demanded a pay rise for the employee.
Louise wrote: “He needs a pay rise. Brethren probably didn’t understand a word he was just saying.”

Bethan Lodder said: “I didn’t know curry’s was chill like that.”
Georgina Pascoe commented: “Ok, but he actually sold that air fryer to me.”
Maddie wrote: “Somebody give this man a raise.”
Tyler added: “This is marketing.”
He concluded the video standing behind a till describing Currys return policy as ‘on fleek’.
The term is often used when something is done exceptionally well.
Currys released a second promotional video showing an employee in the classic purple uniform throwing a bucket of water over customers waiting outside the shop.
In the clip, the staff member then darts inside and shuts the doors with the crowd chasing her.
As the patrons bang on the window, the employee quickly gets out her phone and films a video saying ‘as you can see, people are going crazy for our epic deals so don’t miss out. Come on, head down to the store now.”
The footage has 1.8 million views and 31,700 comments.
Viewers described the ad as ‘absolute genius’.
Kenny Smith said: “Genius. Whoever thought of this idea needs a promotion.”

Another customer said: “This is absolute genius.”
Frank Stockburn added: “Creativity lurking at Currys’.
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