A celebrity astrologer who correctly predicted Molly Mae and Tommy Fury would split this year has revealed who will win I’m A Celebrity this year, according to her latest reading.
Inbaal Honigman regularly shares her insights into the showbiz world and A-list love matches, as well as reality TV outcomes.
Today, she has taken to her deck of tarot cards to share her predictions ahead of Sunday (8 December) night’s finale of this year’s I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.
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With the final four contestants to make the final episode still to be decided, Inbaal has narrowed down who she believes it will all come down to: Coleen Rooney and Danny Jones.

But will we get a queen of the jungle or a king?
“The finale will be an odd one,” the 50-year-old, from Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, told What’s The Jam.
“In a series where most of the stars got along well and nobody came looking for drama, the last episode will be more of the same.

“The tarot describes the final three contestants, as a man and a lady who like to get along with everyone, and just one expressive star who is looking for an argument.
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“The question on everyone’s lips is whether Danny will win, having been the favourite since the launch show, or will Colleen beat him to the crown, as the current fan favourite.”

Turning to her deck of cards, Inbaal first looked at Coleen’s chances.
She said: “Coleen’s Tarot card is the Hierophant – an intelligent, warm and stable card that tells us that she never had a strategy for winning, and was only going into the jungle to be herself.
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“Naturally she’d love to win, but she’ll be absolutely delighted to come second.
“The Hierophant card is smart and sophisticated, and it looks at the long haul.
“If Coleen came second but was welcomed with open arms by many lucrative promotional contracts, then is that not a win in itself?
“It’s a high-value card in the tarot deck, and could also indicate a win – especially since the Hierophant is seen holding a key in his hand, in the imagery on the card.
“The key represents new opportunities.”
Meanwhile, Danny’s card also proved fruitful.

Inbaal explained: “Danny’s tarot card is the Ace of Swords – a quick-witted, smart and shrewd card that says that Danny always had a strategy.
“Right from the beginning, the Tarot card says, Danny had a game plan and did not deviate from it.
“He feels like victory is his.
“If you ask Danny, he’ll say he played it as well as he could.
“It was always a game to him, and he loves games.
“As it’s an Ace card, a win is very likely for the McFly singer.”
But who will triumph over the two? Inbaal predicts the latter.
She said: “This is a hard tarot reading to call because both celebs show up as winners of sorts, they’re both victorious.
“But the Ace of Swords tarot card, being an Ace, has the edge.
“The crown, which is depicted in the Ace of Swords card, seals the deal: Danny walks away victorious.”
Of the readings perhaps indicating either of the two could win, Inbaal explained: “When two such positive tarot cards struggle to tell who the winner is, it is because things are still changing, and not all the rules have been agreed upon yet.

“The rule makers who run the show could be bending the rules and inventing new challenges, just to see their favourite be crowned, whereas the voting audiences may have a different favourite.
“Showrunners and viewers may be in disagreement over who should be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle 2024.”
Back in December 2023, Inbaal shared how Love Island favourites Molly Mae and Tommy, who share daughter Bambi, would “grow in different directions” over the course of the year.

When the two shared news of their shock split this summer, Inbaal said it was “written in the stars”.
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