Dad spots ghostly figure lurking on ‘haunted’ road
A dad was left with chills after spotting a ghostly figure on…
Man pops question to girlfriend in BURGER KING – but she closes ring box and walks out
A man proposed to his girlfriend at a Burger King, but she…
Tourist dad horrified as toddler son is knocked over by DEER
A dad was left shocked after a deer knocked over his 14-month-old…
Killer whales spotted frolicking with fishermen at sea
A pod of killer whales was spotted playfully swimming alongside fishermen off…
Chef known as ‘The Meat Man’ gets huge tattoo of DONER KEBAB on neck
A restaurant owner in Tel Aviv got a giant Doner kebab tattoo…
‘I’ve cut off family, ditched hairdresser and dumped friends for being Trump supporters’
A woman with "zero tolerance" for Trump supporters has cut off family…
Sloth ‘lends a hand’ cleaning up messy enclosure – but he’s not exactly a fast worker
A sloth at Sustainable Safari in Minnesota went viral for "helping" clean…
Brave nature photographer once scared of bugs reveals incredible close-ups of rare insects
A photographer who once feared insects now captures rare bugs worldwide. His…
Stunned couple find live tortoise under flooring they laid 10 YEARS ago
A couple in Brazil were shocked to find a live tortoise under…
Dog walker attacked by wild BOAR fears children are in danger at popular beauty spot
A dog walker was attacked by a wild boar in Dartmoor National…