No soak! Family house on market for £450,000 mocked for having BATH in middle of BEDROOM
A family house on the market for £450,000 has been mocked for…
Tiny £850-a-month studio flat where pets are banned mocked because there isn’t ‘enough room to swing cat.’
A tiny studio flat being let for £850 a month where pets…
Pharrell Williams’ new Louis Vuitton £2,460 man bag mocked for looking like packed lunch
Pharrell Williams’ new Louis Vuitton £2,460 man bag has been mocked for…
Balenciaga mocked for selling £1,950 T-shirt, shorts and socks set that looks like Man Utd kit
Balenciaga has been mocked for selling a £1,950 T-shirt, shorts and socks…
Dad spends 24 years creating giant Babybel wax ball – weighing more than a bag of sugar
A dad has spent 24 years creating a giant Babybel wax ball…
Posh football fans mocked for tucking into charcuterie on way to away match
A group of posh football fans have been mocked for tucking into…
Hermès mocked for pricey office supplies – including £95 single envelope
Hermès has been mocked for their pricey office supplies – including £95…