A dad, whose body is entirely covered in tattoos, piercings, and some rather extreme modifications, has revealed that people assume she is a bad parent due to her looks.
Lily Lu has built up a huge following on social media, largely thanks to her unique style.
To date, she has removed her nipples and belly button, as well as parts of her ears and a finger, tattooed her eyes, tongue, and under her fingernails to ensure she is completely covered in layers of ink, splitting her tongue, and inserting ceramic black teeth.
But Lily, who is transgender and has a teenage daughter, says her look draws rather unkind assumptions, including that she is a bad father and a drug user – both of which she says aren’t true.
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“Mostly my looks are associated with using drugs and [that I will] not be hired, and not get an apartment – it’s so silly,” Lily, an artist and YouTuber from Tengen, Germany, told What’sTheJam.com.
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“I personally don’t drink, don’t smoke, and have not used drugs for 20 years.
“I live super healthily, do sports every day, and eat healthy, freshly cooked food.
“I run Ultra Trail races and do a lot of active stuff.
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“I mostly don’t even eat sugar and now I’m even [cutting] down on coffee.”
Lily, who also says she owns multiple homes, which she rents out, also finds the assumption that she must be a bad father due to her unconventional looks, unfair.
She said: “I spend a lot of time with my daughter and I am a very caring and loving dad.
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“Most people who know me know me as a dad and know how high my daughter is in my [list of] priorities.
“It’s not a big secret that I’m a good daddy.”
Lily started modifying her body in her teens, giving herself her first tattoo at 14 using a needle and ink from a pen, and her first modification at 18 with a split tongue.
Since then, she has gone on to completely transform her looks, with tattoo artist friends helping her achieve a completely inked body.

Lily said: “I carry around 3-8 layers of ink on different parts of my body, and [have] many body modifications – many piercings and implants.
“I have no nipples, no belly button. Some fingers [are] missing and most parts of my ears.

“[I also have] a split tongue and special ceramic teeth.
“[I have] tattooed my eyes, tongue, under my fingernails and 100% of my body is covered in ink.

Despite being so creative with her inkings and overall look, Lily insists it isn’t her top priority.
She added: “My looks don’t matter – it’s just a collection, and sometimes that grows and sometimes [it is] less.
“At some point, it doesn’t matter anymore.
“It’s my lifestyle and a part of me.

“Right now I’m in transition and changing my gender from male to female, which is also a crazy ride and a big modification process.
“My goal is to live and enjoy life.”
READ MORE: Woman with £10,000 worth of tattoos reveals why she is getting them removed