A woman has revealed how she helped her husband impregnate her best friend – and says it was the best decision she has ever made.
Kimberley Allen had dreamed about becoming a mum ever since she was a little girl.
But after several devastating miscarriages, the 33-year-old gave up hope.
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After meeting husband Jamie, 35, the pair accepted that they’d never become parents.
Until Becki, 33 – Kimberley’s best friend – gave them a lifeline; to have a baby that was half hers and half Jamie’s.
“For a moment, I thought I’d misheard her – but I hadn’t,” the canine fertility specialist, from Portsmouth, told What’s The Jam.

“Jamie and I sat in stunned silence for a few minutes before I questioned her.
“Becki said she wanted to be a surrogate for us, which cleared up things.
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“I felt overwhelmed and full of her love for her.
“My child being biologically hers just made our bond even closer.
“I just remember feeling so happy that I had helped my husband impregnate my best friend – a sentence I never thought I’d say.”
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Kimberley and Becki met in school, where they quickly became inseparable.

At aged 15, the canine fertility specialist was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition that affects how the ovaries work, and was told that she would struggle to have children.
She said: “Being a mum was my biggest dream in life.
“I turned to Becki for comfort and we remained the best of friends, even when she went on to have three children of her own.
“I was so pleased for her, and I wasn’t envious at all, and so I stopped wondering when – or if – it would happen for me.”
But thanks to Becki’s selfless deed, they were able to get the ball rolling in February 2022.
With no surrogacy agency, the trio made the deposit themselves at home – with Jamie putting his sperm in a cup, and Kimberley injecting it into Becki using a liquid medicine syringe.

On their third attempt, the couple’s dream was finally coming true.
She said: “I couldn’t believe it, I was completely speechless when Becki showed us the positive pregnancy test.
“All our friends and family were so supportive and each kick felt like a tiny miracle.
“While all eyes were on Becki and her bump, I didn’t feel jealous in the slightest.”
In October 2022, Becki gave birth to little Roxanne Nicola Allen, now two.

And their happy family is now complete.
Kimberley added: “I fell head over heels in love with my baby girl.
“I couldn’t believe that we were finally parents – it still feels surreal.
“There are no words to describe how thankful I am to Becki.
“I had always considered her my sister, but now there really is a piece of her DNA in my family.

“Our daughter looks very much like me when I was young – no one would ever know or question it if I didn’t tell them.
“I thought my dream of being a mum had been taken away from me for good – but she made it finally come true.”