A wily coyote had to be rescued after trapping her head in a STATUE.
The curious canine was spotted dragging the large monument through the snow.
Ironically, the statue was of Saint Francis, the patron saint of animals.
She was found in Oconomowoc, located west of Milwaukee in Wisconsin, US.
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The Wildlife In Need Center said the female coyote was “apparently chasing a rabbit.”
The predator’s prey then “ran underneath and into the hollow statue”.
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A spokesperson for the animal rehabilitation centre added: “The coyote dived into the statue in pursuit of her dinner and unfortunately got her head stuck so tight that she was unable to get free.”
She was “exhausted from putting up such a long fight trying to free herself.”
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The Humane Animal Welfare Society was called to the scene to help the worn out canine.
Animal handlers sedated the coyote before freeing her from the monument.
The animal was then taken to WINC for emergency treatment.
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A WINC spokesperson said: “She was warmed up and with the help of injectable fluids and anti-inflammatory medications.
“X-rays confirmed that there were no fractures, just soft tissue trauma.”
The centre said she received around two weeks of care before being released into the wild.
WINC workers named the coyote Frannie after the statue she was found in.
The spokesperson said: “We don’t typically name our patients, but felt this one was hard earned.”
The animal was also in heat so carers rushed to return her home “just in time for her breeding season”.
One local said: “That was almost a Looney Tunes cartoon.”

Andrea said: “What an incredible story and rescue.”
Kerry wrote: “Thank you for helping all the animals in need.”
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