A pair of sunbathers found themselves in a tug-of-war over ham sandwiches after a cheeky coati tried to pinch their lunch.
Mica Silva filmed the shameless mammal strolling over to the women as they lay on the sand.
And as she gripped the plastic bag, the coati grabbed it with its hands.
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As the women screamed and howled with laughter, the mammal tried to sink its teeth into the wrapper.
The bag eventually ripped, and the stack of ham butties spilt out onto the women’s beach rug.
“There are still biscuits, luckily,” Mica says.
She shared the clip on Saturday (8 Feb) and it had been watched 1.1million times at the time of writing.
The run-in happened on Campeche Island in Florianópolis, Brazil, as reported by Need To Know.
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The South American or ring-tailed coati (Nasua nasua) is not native to the isle but was introduced in the mid-20th century.
The local FLORAM agency says it is studying “appropriate measures for managing the population”.
It said in a statement: “You’re not allowed to feed them, touch them, or interfere with their natural behaviour.
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“As this can have negative impacts on both the animals and the island’s ecological balance.”
Coatis typically travel in groups and feed on fruits and invertebrate animals.
They can develop health problems from processed foods.
Coatis are generally not aggressive towards humans.
However, they may attack people when they feel threatened and, in some cases, may transmit rabies.
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