A hen has laid her first ever egg and it has a triple yolk – beating odds of 25 million to one.
Owner Kelly Rae only got six-month-old Myrtle last month.
She joined her three other ‘sister’ hens – Maude, Mitzi and Mabel in her back garden.
Kelly, of Bradford, West Yorkshire was overjoyed after Myrtle laid her first egg.
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She rushed to pick it up but was left stunned when she noticed the size of it.

The giant egg appeared over twice the size of a regular egg and barely fit in her hand.
Kelly says she was so excited to eat it, she forgot to weigh the massive egg.
The 36-year-old cracked it straight in the pan to make scrambled eggs.
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But she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw it had three yolks.
Kelly immediately took a picture of the phenomenon before scrambling it into her breakfast.
According to Kelly, Myrtle then went on to lay a double yolked egg.
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The odds of a triple yolk are 25 million to one according to the British Egg Information Service.
The chance of receiving a double yolker is less rare – with one in every 1,000 eggs.
Kelly told What’s The Jam: “It’s my first time owning hens, so we were really excited for them to start laying.

”Myrtle is the second of them to start laying – two of my other hens haven’t started laying as of yet.
”We didn’t actually measure the egg unfortunately, as we were too excited to crack it.
”We made scrambled eggs with it.
”We were really shocked that it had three yolks in it and then Googled it and realised it’s a one in 25 million chance of getting a triple yolk egg.
”Since laying that egg she’s had three normal size eggs and then a big one that was a double yolker.
”A lot of people were wondering if she was okay after laying such a big egg, but she has been absolutely fine and didn’t seem phased by it.”
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