An enormous dog has gone viral on TikTok after his owner claims vets said he wouldn’t grow much bigger as a puppy.
Brodie the Goldendoodle has amassed a following of more than six million, where his owner, Cliff Brush, shares hilarious videos of his daily antics.
The pooch, a mix between a Golden Retriever and a poodle, has grown exponentially, tipping the scales at 60lbs by the time he was six-months-old – the average size for his breed.
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Now, he’s 85lbs and over five-foot-tall when standing.

Shockingly, Cliff claims that vets originally guessed Brodie wouldn’t grow much larger.
His humongous size has led to him being likened to Chewbacca, and even mistaken for a bear or a ‘human in costume’.
“People love his giant fluffiness and think he’s a real-life carnival prize teddy bear,” the content creator, from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, told What’s The Jam.

Cliff has had Brodie since birth, having delivered him himself, and is also the owner of his golden retriever mum, Luna.
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He said: “Luna is 50lbs and Brodie’s dad, Rusty, is 60lbs – so he was supposed to be in the 55-60lb range.
“He was already 60lbs by the time he was six-months-old, so I knew he was going to be a big boy.
“I love big dogs so, the more he grew, the more there was to love!
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“He’s the sweetest, goofiest boy.
“He’s always happy and just wants to be around me and whatever I do 24/7.”
A recent TikTok showing Brodie as a puppy, compared to his size now, has gone viral with 12 million views and 1.2 million likes.In the post, Cliff claims a vet once said “he shouldn’t get much bigger than this” – showing Brodie as a small pup.
Next, he shows his incredible growth while struggling to carry the enormous pooch.
Social media fans have likened the pup to Chewbacca and a Wookie thanks to his huge mass of fur.
One person joked: “Sir…that’s a bear.”

“Is he paying rent?” another user quipped.
Someone else wrote: “Bro takes you on walks.”
“I thought he was a human in a costume,” said one shocked user.

Another viewer commented: “My jaw dropped.”
“I don’t think anyone saw that coming!!” said another user.
“Holy bejesus he is as big as a person!!” added someone else.
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