An escaped sheep sits in the back of a cop car after being caught by police.
Officers were called out after the ram was spotted by the side of a road.
But after being cornered they put him in the patrol vehicle.
He was left looking a bit sheepish as he looked out of the window.
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The sheep was seen on the A1 at Buckden, near Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire yesterday (26 Feb).
Concerned drivers contacted the police fearing that the lone farm animal causing an accident.
Two officers from Cambridgeshire Police appeared to have a whale of time herding the sheep into their car.
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Before transporting the animal to a local farm to be scanned and returned to the owner.
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A spokesperson for Cambridgeshire Police said: “It’s not every day we’re called to herd sheep.
“This morning multiple calls of concern came in from drivers on the A1 at Buckden worried this lone sheep, who was teetering on the verge of the carriageway, was about to cause an accident.
“He was a bit sheepish as we herded him into the police car and off the road before taking him to a nearby farm so he could be scanned and returned to his rightful owner.”
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Local Rachel Kavery said: “Love this. Good work. He looks very happy.”

Debbie Fletcher said: “How lovely. Makes a pleasant change.”
Another stated: “Oh my God love this.
“The way he is peeping out of the window.”

Nabil Ilahi said: “Imagine arresting a sheep and putting it in handcuffs.”
Another said: “That sheep is from London, either Ewell or Lambeth.”
The article features on What’s The Jam.