A marooned whale was saved during a ten hour rescue bid after getting stuck on a beach.
She was supported by dedicated helpers after being spotted on the sand
They wrapped the young, female pilot whale in damp towels and doused her with buckets of sea water to try and keep her alive.
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British Divers Marine Life Rescue, BDMLR, said it received reports a long-finned pilot whale beached yesterday (20 Mar) morning.

They dispatched a rescue team to help get the whale back into the water.
HM Coastguard rescue teams assisted at Gwithian, near St Ives, Cornwall as reported by What’s The Jam.

A spokesperson for HM Coastguard Portreath Coastguard Rescue Team said: “We were alerted to reports of a stranded pilot whale at Gwithian Beach.
“The team worked alongside the British Divers Marine Life Rescue volunteers to assess the situation and ensure the whale’s safety.
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“The effort focused on providing immediate assistance to the stranded animal with the team on hand to support the rescue operation as required.

“After a thorough evaluation the situation was deemed stable and the team was stood down with the possibility of further assistance being needed at high water when BDMLR volunteers aimed to refloat the whale.”
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