A pod of killer whales have been spotted frolicking with fishermen out at sea.
A crew member reached for his camera phone to record the incredible scene when he noticed the orcas approaching their vessel.
The fishermen can be heard nervously laughing as one whale surfaces next to the boat before disappearing under the waves and passing underneath.
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The playful orca then sprays water through its blowhole.
At least two other killer whales can be seen approaching the vessel as the fishing crew laughs in surprise.
In another scene, one orca is seen swimming right alongside the fishermen’s motorboat as it powers through the sea.
The friendly encounter took place off the coast of Tiburón Island in the Gulf of California, northern Mexico, on 14 February.
The video went viral on Facebook with 366,000 views and hundreds of comments, as reported by What’s The Jam.
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One local said: “The nervous laughter, the excitement and fear, I wonder what their underpants were like after!”

Rosa replied: “The orcas wanted to knock the fishermen into the sea.”
Carlos added: “They definitely weren’t trying to capsize the boat, if they wanted to do that, they could easily. They are simply curious animals.”
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Abraham remarked: “It’s unusual for killer whales to be so far from their habitat, I’ve only seen them here in Washington State.”

Miguel said ominously: “Orcas don’t frolic like dolphins and don’t attack like sharks, they are smarter… they like to befriend their prey first!”
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