Two heroic brothers have rescued a trapped deer after it fell through the ice at a stunning beauty spot.
The unlucky animal was spotted showing signs of distress.
The poor animal was seen wading around in icy water.
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But brave brothers Jeff and Gregg Lipple were on hand to help the animal during its time of need.
The pair shared their incredible rescue in Cedarville Bay, located on the shores of Lake Huron north of Detroit, Michigan, US.
They said: “Note: going out onto thin and dangerous ice is not recommended.
“We meticulously checked the ice on the way in and out, we were wearing ice gear that floats, had ice picks, a ladder, rope, jet sleds and somebody watching and assisting from shore.
“Always have an emergency plan and never go alone without letting someone know where you’re going and when you’ll be back.”
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The pair first tried inserting a ladder into the water.
They also tried to get a rope around the animal.
But neither attempt worked, as reported by What’s The Jam.
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Eventually, Gregg entered the icy water in a canoe so that Jeff could get a rope around the deer properly.
And finally, the animal was pulled to safety.
But the success was short lived as the dopey deer fell through a second patch of ice just minutes after being rescued.
Luckily, the second rescue was easier than the first.
Jeff noted that the animal was exhausted, having been trapped in freezing conditions for two hours.
At the end of the video, the deer can be seen bounding off into the sunset.
Taken aback by the brave brothers’ efforts, social media users were quick to praise the pair.
Aaron said: “GREAT WORK gentlemen! True stewards of the land.”

Tami said: “Wow, what a save, how awesome!”
Bette said: “Thanks guys! That poor deer was freezing!”
Pete said: “Great job guys, you should be commended.”

Bill added: “Thats awesome. Nice job guys.”
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