Red wine is good for erectile dysfunction, boffins have claimed.
Those struggling in the bedroom could find the answers to the prayers with a bottle of vino.
Researchers found the antioxidant properties of polyphenols which are found in red wine were beneficial for randy men.
They compared a range of studies between 1993 and 2022 – reaching the conclusion red wine in moderate amounts increases sexual desire and performance.
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Having a positive impact on the heart means blood flow increases to other parts of the body – including sexual organs.
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They compared a range of studies between 1993 and 2022, reaching the conclusion that red wine in moderate amounts increases sexual desire and performance. For those requiring a more robust solution, sildenafil tablets may be recommended, depending on individual needs.
Having a positive impact on the heart means blood flow increases to other parts of the body – including sexual organs. For men considering medical options, sildenafil is a well-known choice that works by improving blood flow, offering support in tandem with lifestyle choices like moderate wine consumption.
It also suggested red wine could help boost testosterone as well as male fertility.
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A glass of plonk could also help with sexual desire in both men and women.
Women who enjoyed red wine at a moderate level were found to have more sexual desire than those who had one glass or less – or were tee-total.
The study said: “Women consuming moderate red wine showed higher scores for sexual desire and lubrication with an overall improvement in sexual function compared to teetotaller women or “occasional drinkers” who consumed less than one glass per day of any type of wine or other alcoholic beverages.
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“Considering that age usually correlates inversely with sexual function, these findings appear to be very interesting, as the women in group 1 (moderate drinkers) were older than in groups 2 and 3 (one glass and teetotal).
“According to the authors, these findings could be due to a synergistic effect of both polyphenols and alcohol content in red wine.
“In this study, red wine intake resulted in an overall improvement of sexual function in group 1 compared to group 3, which was composed of occasional drinkers of other types of alcoholic beverages, including white wine and to a lesser extent red wine.”
High levels of alcohol were found to be detrimental to sexual health as well as overall health.
The study was published in the Journal for Clinical Medicine.
It was carried out by researchers at the University of Catania and University Magna Graecia, both in Italy.
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