A mum and daughter lookalike duo have shared how people believe they are sisters.
Kelly Cantu, 40, and her daughter Madison, 20, claim they constantly get mistaken for being sisters.
Kelly was just 20-years-old when she had her daughter, and was excited to have her very own “mini me.”
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But this ended up being quite literal, as Madison grew up, the insane similarities started to show.
Eventually, when Madison turned 13, and Kelly was only 33, people started asking if the two were sisters.
“She was in high school when it started,” Kelly, a content creator, told What’s The Jam.

“It would happen when I was picking her up, I was constantly being mistaken for her sister or another student.
“We both found it very funny.”
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Madison said: “My friends and other classmates when they first met my mom would always ask if she was my sister.
“And their parents would always do the same!”

Since then, it hasn’t stopped for the duo.
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Kelly said: “In public, online, we get mistaken everywhere we go.
“Any time we are out and I refer to her as “baby girl” and someone finds out I’m her mom, people always say “I thought you were sisters.”
But sometimes, Kelly struggles with the constant questions.
She said: “At first I thought it was funny.
“Especially when Madison was younger, I would laugh.

“But I do get embarrassed at times.
“Especially when people start asking how old I was when I had her!”
However, Madison is more than happy to hear it every now and then.
She said: “I think it’s funny, and I hope that her good genetics will rub off on me.
“When people find out she’s actually my parent and not my sister, they’re always shocked.
“And usually make a comment about how she appears so young.

“I feel honored because she’s such a beautiful woman.
“Everyone says it and I know it too.
“I hope I look just as good when I’m 40!”
And the duo even make the effort to go out in matching LOOKS.
Kelly, from California, US, but now living in England, said: “I love matching!
“Of course I’ve been trying to match or at least wear color corresponding colors.

“I actually just ordered us matching Christmas jumpers and Christmas pajamas.
“Once I dyed my hair dark to look more like Madison too!”
All in all, they take the similarities in their stride.
They said: “I love any time we hear we look alike.
“My daughter is the most beautiful person in the world to me, so for someone to think we look like means a lot to me.”
Even their family and friends think the two are “practically identical.”
She said: “My mother always tells me how she can’t get over how similar we look and act.
“I think more so now because I would say my daughter and I are best friends and go everywhere together and act pretty similar.”
And despite some people finding it “strange” that they’re so close, the duo don’t care, as they are each other’s best friends.