A shredded man claims he has slept just 30 minutes a day for 12 years.
Daisuke Hori, the president of the Japan Short-Term Sleep Coaching Association, often gives classes and advice on how to get the ultimate nap.
According to the NHS, adults need around seven to nine hours sleep a night for the body to be completely rested.
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But this doesn’t seem to apply to Daisuke, from Japan.
The 36-year-old, who loves art, music and reading, found he was struggling to find enough hours in the day to take part in his hobbies.

So, he found a shortcut – less sleep, as reported by What’s The Jam.
Daisuke did research and practiced sleeping for short periods at a time.
After two months, he claims he was able to shorten his sleep time to just 30 minutes a day and still function normally.
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Daisuke has also revealed what his daily routine looks like:
10.30 am – Exercise
11.00 am – Study nutrition and write
1.30 pm – Play online games
2.30 pm – Have lunch with friends
3.30 pm – Shoot a YouTube video on short-term sleep
7.30 pm – Teach an online lecture on short-term sleep
11.30 pm – Eat dinner and prepare for tomorrow’s work
Finally, when he’s finished preparing for the next day, at 2.30am, Daisuke has a kip.
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Half an hour later, he gets up and continues his activities.
3.30am – Drive to Chiba Prefecture, where there are several beaches.
5.30 am – Surfing at Chiba Beach with friends for two hours
7.30am – Drive home, shower and continue the routine
Daisuke also claims more than 1,600 people have taken his short-term sleep classes, which reportedly has a 90% success rate.
The class consists of explaining how to reduce the duration of sleep while also maintaining physical and mental health.