Drinking wine BEFORE driving can actually enhance the person’s skills on the road.
A moderate amount of plonk improves motoring ability, according to Dominic Wyatt.
He said studies have shown that it can achieve the ‘ideal’ state of driving.
The point of reasoning discovered by Mr Wyatt, motoring expert at the International Drivers Association, is that wine will increase one’s alertness on the road.
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According to studies by the University of Rochester, after drinking a small amount of wine we actually experience a heightened awareness.
The recommended amount is one standard glass of wine to achieve this level of alertness.
According to the National Library of Medicine, a glass of wine can also reduce stress levels at the wheel.
However, Mr Wyatt has warned that overconsumption will lead to slow reaction times and impaired judgement.
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By increasing the sensitivity in your taste buds, the expert claims that the alcohol in wine improves your ability to distinguish colours and shadows.
He states that having this enhanced perception gives you a more precise visual assessment whilst driving.
A cheeky glass of wine can also help keep you upbeat whilst driving, due to the releases of serotonin and dopamine.
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These are referred to as the feel-good neurotransmitters.
The National Institutes of Health state that wine is associated with an increase in cerebral blood flow in the frontal regions of the brain.

This area controls decision making and with an increased blood flow Wyatt believes this can lead to better judgement and quicker decision making.
Benefits of drinking wine have also been linked to improved heart health with a report from the Mayo Clinic stating the drink leads to better cardiovascular functions.
Mr Wyatt states that this is crucial for optimal endurance whilst driving.
Despite proposing the benefits of having a moderate amount to drink before driving the expert has warned drivers to stay safe on the road.
He states one standard glass for the average adult is enough to achieve the enhanced skills at the wheel.
You must stay hydrated before and after drinking to dilute the alcohol in your body.
The expert states that you must wait an hour before driving to allow the alcohol in your system to metabolise.
Everyone’s tolerance levels differ, you must know how your body reacts to alcohol.
Mr Wyatt states that if you are prone to heavy drinking, have previously faced DUI, or are not comfortable with the idea – do not attempt this.
He said: “Relaxed, yet alert.
“This is the ideal state for driving.
“It can provide that slight mental boost needed when setting off on a long drive.
“Driving in a more upbeat mood can help you become more cautious and easily follow traffic rules.”
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