A suspected UFO has been spotted flying into a fiery volcano crater.
The alleged spacecraft was seen whizzing over the crater before a second mysterious object appeared.
The alleged UFO encounter was captured by monitoring cameras at the Popocatepetl Volcano in central Mexico.
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The clip was shared on X by Mexican ufologist Jaime Maussan, 70.
Maussan, who previously presented two mummified ‘aliens’ at the Mexican congress, said: “Extraordinary sighting.

“UFO, Tic Tac or cylindrical object appears to bend or turn in a zigzag before heading directly towards the crater.
“Later, a larger cylindrical object is observed above it.”
Many followers were convinced the sighting at around 5.25am on 26 August proved extraterrestrial life.
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One local commented: “We are not the only intelligent life, there is something else out there, very different to humans.”

Peter said: “UFOs have been seen at the volcano for many years.
“When the volcano activates and UFOs appear at the crater, it sounds strange, but the volcano calms down.”
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Johnny wrote: “Keep an eye out the next time there are tremors, there will be more sightings then too.”
Mauricio remarked: “I truly believe they are taking advantage of the planet’s geothermal energy that we are not using.”

Popocatepetl, located in the states of Puebla and Morelos, stands at an altitude of 17,802 feet (5,426 metres) and is one of Mexico’s most active volcanoes.
Maussan has previously claimed that the volcano is being used as a portal by intergalactic aliens, as reported by What’s The Jam.

He said Popocatepetl acts as “a gateway between two Locations in space-time that allows intergalactic travellers to enter one place from another”.
Maussan explained: “In 1996, the University of Bergen in Norway discovered that under the volcano there are magnetic storms necessary to be able to generate X-points – or regions of electron diffusion – that can be used to create a Dimensional Portal.”
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