A museum owner was shocked to discover a moving ‘ghost’ after taking photos of an ancient object.
Leonard Low works at the Scottish Witch Trial Museum in Leven, Fife.
Dedicated to Britain’s infamous witch trials, the venue only opened its doors five months ago but has already seen a series of spooky incidents.
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The museum is filled with artefacts related to the 16th and 17th century and has welcomed more than 1,000 visitors.
After spotting an image of a cat’s skeleton on Facebook, Leonard decided to take an image of one of his own objects on display in the museum to share online.
But when he reviewed his photos, he noticed a very bizarre figure in the snap, next to the feline’s remains.
“I was in my museum and went to photograph a cat’s head I have on display to send,” he said.
“I got a touch on the shoulder, looked around and no one was there.
“I took several photos and noticed a reflection of someone behind me.
“I kept taking photos.
“Looking around, no one was there but the figure was now pointing to my hallway.
“Several incidents have happened in the five months [since] I’ve been open.”
Leonard claims to have caught the reflection of a white figure with two legs in the glass.
The 57-year-old author feels an animal-like spirit may be behind the apparition.
He told What’s The Jam: “It looks like it’s pointing at something.
“There’s been strange goings on [at the museum].
“Several visitors have asked if the place is haunted because they’ve felt like something has walked through them.
“Items move around on their own.
“I have a coin from Salem in the USA which has witches on there.
“I show it to visitors during tours.
“I always keep it in the same place on my desk so I know where it is.
“One day I went to get it to show some visitors and it was gone.
“The next day I came in and there it was on my table where I always keep it.
“The building was empty for years before I came along and put the items about the witch trials on display.”
The museum has exhibits from across the world including a small wooden book carved from the hanging tree in Salem – one of just seven in existence.
Other items include instruments of torture used on accused women and manuscripts dating back to the era.
Leonard added: “I’m the sole keyholder so nobody else could have got in moved items.
“But whatever is behind this seems harmless.”
Thousands of women were tried and executed for witchcraft in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Leonard has written seven books on the history of witch trials in Scotland and he has been buying and collecting items for years.
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