A real-life witch has revealed how she seeks justice on wrongdoers – without resorting to dark magic.
While those with the ‘magical’ abilities may be tempted by casting curses on their enemies, seasoned sorcerer Inbaal Honigman has warned against such practices.
Instead, she uses a series of spells to dish out her own form of ‘punishment’ – calling on karma to have its way.
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The 50-year-old invokes ‘justice spells’ including ones that can ‘freeze’ bad actions, ‘knot’ their mouths to stop the spreading of lies, and invoking the “magical form of blocking someone on WhatsApp” with ‘binding’ spells.

Ahead of Halloween this week, the sorceress has revealed all.
“I’ve never performed a curse and never will – but I use magic whenever I need to deal with injustice around me,” Inbaal, from Holmfirth, west Yorkshire, told What’s The Jam.
“When someone is wronged – for example if their car is stolen or if someone sabotages their job application – it can be extremely tempting to curse them with magic.
“But curses are always a bad idea, even when entirely justified.
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“Curses and hexes wish misfortune and sadness on a specific person, and can backfire in many ways.
“When placing a hex, the witch would be walking around feeling guilty and interfere with their karma – taking that negative path is never aligned with the true focus of the witch.

“Justice spells, however, call on the universe to balance the situation.
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“We’re not asking for something terrible to happen to the thief or the manipulator, we’re just asking for them to receive the correct karmic payback.
“If that payback happens to be awful, they’ve got no one to blame but themselves!”
For Inbaal, her methods fall into four main categories: justice spells, freezing spells, knot spells and binding spells – each of which have their own unique way of seeking payback, and which the witch has utilised for different scenarios.

Inbaal explained: “Instead of cursing someone, I’ll freeze their actions so that they can’t interfere, by putting their name in a small tub of water and freezing it, so their actions can’t impact me.”
She performs this by writing the intended person’s name on a slip of paper, placing it in a storage container, then filling it with water and putting it in the freezer.
The ritual of physically ‘freezing’ the person helps block any ill intentions they may have planned towards you, according to the witch.
The justice spell is all about prompting the universe to seek balance in a situation where a wrongdoing has occurred.
Inbaal says anyone can issue a request for justice by taking an orange candle and inscribing it with the person’s initial and star sign – or, if those details are unknown, picture them while undertaking the spell.
Next, rub orange essential oil onto the candle, and light it on a Saturday – the day ruled by Saturn, “the planet of karma” – and visualise a “ray of orange light rising from the candle and finding the perpetrator”.

From there, sit back and watch justice unfold.
Inbaal performed a justice spell for a friend in the midst of a painful divorce, with the intent of favouring their shared daughter’s best interests.
She added: “Justice is a very safe concept in terms of karma, as it has no agenda and no favourites, because we only ask for the best and most just outcome, as decided by the universe.”
Meanwhile the knot spell aims to prevent the recipient spreading lies or sharing gossip – something Inbaal has utilised in her personal life.
She said: “A few years ago, I told one of my friends a big secret.
“In a weird twist of fate, I was horrified to find that my friend’s new job was together with the person the secret involved, and I panicked.
“She knew she wasn’t meant to say anything, but I didn’t trust that nothing would slip out, as they saw each other every day and spent hours together chatting.
“I knew that knots can be used to hold on to things, so I decided to ‘tie up’ her ability to reveal my big secret.”

For this, Inbaal took the long cord of her dressing gown, and knotted it whilke chanting ‘silence is gold, my secret you hold’.
She kept the cord knotted until she felt confident that the danger of spilling the beans had passed.
Finally, a binding spell is something Inbaal compares to “the magical form of blocking someone on WhatsApp”.
She explained: “Binding stops people from taking action against you, and is best used when a bully won’t leave you alone.
“Wrapping a ribbon around the picture of a person who wants to do you harm creates a binding that stops them from following through with their evil intent.
“This isn’t to be used to stop competitors from competing with you fair and square, but rather to block people who have already shown their desire to harm you.”
Inbaal has performed the spell for a client whose ex wouldn’t leave her alone.
She said: “I wrote his name on a piece of paper, then cut up another piece of paper into thin long strips.
“I then wrapped them around his name, until the original piece of paper was invisible underneath the wrapped paper strips.
“I asked the spirits to protect her [my client] from his attention, and to bind him from causing any harm or distress to her, to others and to himself.
“Soon after, the awful ex met someone new, and stopped harassing my client – so this was absolutely not a curse for him, in fact it was a blessing!”
However, Inbaal warns that in order to successfully invoke such magic, you need to ensure your intentions are pure.

She said: “These spells can be very risky if you, the spell caster, decide to cheat or lie, then those behaviours are incompatible with justice, and the spell would turn against you.
“It’s important to always end the spell with ‘out of free will, and for the good of all’, which means that the magic can’t interfere with someone else’s will, or with their karma.
“It will only block them if it is the right course of action spiritually, karmically and magically.”
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