The madness that is the London property mental market has struck once again – with a tiny terraced house barely wider than a king-size bed on sale for £225,000.
Measuring just over two metres (2.21m at its widest) and with a total floor space of 38m, this terraced house is being pitched as an ideal home for a first-time buyer or would-be landlord – with an estimated rental income of £1,200 per calendar month.
However, to put this small home into context, let’s compare it to some other objects of the same size.
A standard UK king-sized bed, for instance, measures 150cm in width and 200cm in length.
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An average wine bottle is around 30cm from top to bottom – meaning you could fit around six and a half of them across the floor.
Meanwhile, a standard UK door is around 198cm.
The home, located in Angus Gardens, Colindale, northwest London, has a bedroom, bathroom and living area.
The listing notes that it also features its own entrance despite being attached to another normal-sized property and outbuilding.
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Unfortunately, it doesn’t come complete with its own driveway but on-street parking is available.
“Oyster Properties are delighted to offer this freehold one-bedroom terraced house located within a short walk to Colindale and Burnt Oak Stations,” the listing reads.
“Set over two floors, the property offers spacious reception, fully fitted kitchen, family bathroom and double bedroom.
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“This property is close to Colindale’s multiple shopping facilities as well as outstanding schools such as Goldbeaters and Barnfield Primary Schools.”

The average terraced house in the area costs £496,254.
So, as long as you don’t mind a seriously tight squeeze, there’s an argument to be made that this could be a bargain.
But make sure to really check the measurements on furniture before you start decorating your teeny space.
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