A couple who can’t afford London property prices have crafted their own miniature flat out of biscuits.
Ali Munro, 30 and Laura Casey, 31, live in the capital where the average home has an eye-watering price tag of £687,238, according to Rightmove.
Fed up with extortionate prices, the creative professionals decided to take a stand by building their own bricks and mortar – out of biscuits.
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The tiny baked home, which has 11,000 likes on Reddit, includes everything from bespoke art pieces to a double bed complete with marshmallow pillows.
There are also colourful ‘towels’ – made from sugary sweets – hanging on the bathroom rack.
“We’ve been experiencing the effects of the housing crisis first-hand,” Ali told What’s The Jam.
“And [we] wanted to make something that draws attention to this issue in an accessible and slightly satirical way.
“A project of a highly detailed [biscuit] house seemed like a good way to use our aligned skill sets as a creative and a designer.”
Ali and Laura hope their biscuit digs will create a discussion that could influence the government to act.
They said: “We’d love to see more genuinely affordable houses being built and stricter regulations on buying as an investment.
“We know the housing crisis is complicated but we’d welcome any action that contributes to levelling prices.
“Sometimes certain people of our parents’ generation make comments about how if only young people learnt to be more frugal and stopped spending money on oat flat whites and streaming subscriptions they’d be able to buy a house.
“But when the average property price is over 12 times your yearly salary, this argument simply becomes futile.
“Whilst it [our biscuit house] is hopefully beautiful and interesting to look at as a piece of craft, it’s also meant to be a sad reminder of the deeply troubling housing crisis we’re all in.”
The house cost them just £30 to make including the biscuit walls, sweets, chocolates and icing.
But there is one issue when you design a home out of such delicious materials.
They said: “It’s been hard not to continually snack on the construction materials.”
Online users have loved their creation.
One person said: “That’s ruddy brilliant!”
Another said: “Gonna need some dough to live there.”
Someone joked” “That’ll be £2500pcm. Bills not included.”
One user said: “This looks like a Barbican flat. Perfection.”
One person added: “So sweet… yet so sad at the same time…”
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