An Aussie man was shocked to discover a deadly snake hiding among his beer.
The booze-loving serpent was found wrapped around the bottles.
He called in expert catchers to take it away.
The unnamed man found out it was a large, venomous red-bellied black snake – which can kill humans.
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Snake catcher Glenn ‘Ozzie’ Lawrence said: “Does it get any more Aussie than this?”
It happened at the man’s home in Beaudesert, south of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

The snake catcher said: “He was very calm about the situation.
“But no doubt surprised”.
He took a photo of the red-bellied black snake wrapped around several bottles of XXXX, a Queensland-based beer brand.
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Ozzie explained: “To capture the snake, I simply removed several of the empty bottles.
“I waited until the snake made its move to get away and then I just grabbed it, as I usually do, toward the tail region.”
He added: “It was an easy catch and went smoothly.”
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Ozzie said it’s unclear how the snake ended up in the beer crate, but presumed it was searching for food.
The species has a distinctive black body and red underbelly, giving the snake its name.
Red-bellied black snakes can grow between five and six-and-a-half feet in length and are commonly found in wet habitats along Australia’s eastern coast.
Ozzie said: “Although this species of snake is too often regarded as placid and calm, they are still a highly venomous species.
“If you ever see a snake on your property, the safest option is to stay calm and call in your local snake catcher.
“Venomous snakes shouldn’t be trifled with, they shouldn’t be handled or grabbed or brushed with a broom because you can hurt them and make them agitated.”
After finding the reptile in the beer crate, Ozzie pointed out some of the other unusual places he has caught elusive snakes, including an outdoor BBQ and a toilet door.
He told Jam Press: “I’ve found them in some extremely strange and unusual places such as a wine rack, cars, boats, motorbikes, a woman’s knickers drawer, a bank, a guitar, toilets, school bags and shoes.
“Pretty much anywhere you can think of.”
Read the full article here