An adorable elderly penguin is now a little bit warmer thanks to a custom-made wetsuit.
Bridget, a Gentoo penguin, was having some trouble bending her body which caused her to lose body heat.
The 37-year-old was struggling to reach her uropygial gland, which is found at the base of her tail.
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This gland secretes a preen oil which is used to waterproof a penguin’s feathers.
Without this oil, Bridget’s feathers were unable to stay dry, causing her to feel the cold more than other penguins.

Whitney Geslois, who works as a senior animal care specialist at Kansas City Zoo, where Bridget lives, came up with a way she could help.
With the help of another zoo employee, Whitney designed a custom-made wetsuit to help to keep Bridget warm.
Cute snaps show the penguin wearing her outfit, which wraps around the midsection of her body.
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The inspiration for Bridget’s outfit came from penguins at other zoos who had been in a similar situation and had wetsuits made for them.
She has now been wearing and enjoying her wetsuit for a couple of weeks, as reported by What’s The Jam.
Her wetsuit must be taken off at night, but can be worn all day long.
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Although Bridget has been using her wetsuit for a short time, Whitney feels that it is making a difference.
She has said that it has been an adjustment for the penguin, but that she has taken to it pretty well.
The life span of a Gentoo penguin is anywhere between 15 to 20 years, which makes Bridget a very old penguin.
She has her own little area that she likes to hang out in, and still enjoys playing with snow.