A Miss England beauty queen hopeful is a carpenter by day
Raven-haired Saoire Palmer has been a chippy for three years.
The 21-year-old fell in love with the male-dominated trade after sampling it during work experience at school when she was 15.
She said she’s had to put up sexist comments and attitudes.
But now she is a Miss England semi-finalist she hopes it will act as a platform to show off her gritty day job.
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Saoire told What’s The Jam: “I have had to deal with a lot of unwanted sexist pick-up lines and comments.
“Due to there being such a contrast in the two things that I am currently doing.
“I am a pretty young lady and that is not something you see often on site.
“Men tend to get quite judgmental about this thinking I am just there to be there and not pursue a passion that I have within the industry.
“They underestimate my capabilities as they don’t expect a young feminine lady to be able to carry as much weight as them.
“And to be able to do a typical ‘man’s job’ just as good if not better than most of them on the site.
“The endless sexist comments and judgments is something I don’t think will fade.
“But with the platform from Miss England, I am hoping to educate everyone on how we can do these jobs that people think are for men just as good, despite being a pretty feminine woman.
“A lot of guys have gotten quite jealous in the past knowing that I am more or less surrounded by mainly men day to day due to being on site in a heavily male dominated environment.”
Saoire, of Harold Wood, near Romford, east London added: “Some men can get intimidated that I am doing such a physically male dominated job and that can affect things.
“Balancing both lives is sometimes tricky but it is the one of the most rewarding things I have done.
“The way I have learnt to switch it up from being covered in dust or paint at 4pm and then ball gown ready by 7pm is an accomplishment.
“I love the fact that I am showing people whatever job you’re doing, whether it’s not what the usual lady does for a living or whether it is.
“It does not define you, what does is how we are helping each other and the world.
“How we are making a difference to each other and the world and how we are educating and empowering each other and the world.
“The way I have learned to balance both feminine and masculine sides is a great achievement.
“And I have done this by reminding myself I can do the job that is typically a ‘man’s job’ in a feminine way and to not care what anyone thinks to do what makes me happy.
“I am grateful for every opportunity this journey is bringing me.
“And I am going to continue to do my best to inspire, educate and encourage young women to not be afraid of what they want to do because they are scared of judgement.
“Go for it and do your best at it.
“There is nothing we can’t do as women.
“The biggest strength we can have is our determination to do what we love!”
Saoire is taking part in the Miss England semifinal on 7 April in Blackpool.
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