A Liam Gallagher impersonator says his phone has been ringing off the hook since the Oasis brothers announced their long-awaited reunion.
Ian Alcock has performed as the lead singer in his own tribute band, Definitely Mightbe, for 26 years.
The 58-year-old says he fell in love with Oasis after seeing the brothers’ first ever gig in Stoke-on-Trent in 1994.
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And despite being worried that last month’s big announcement would cause bookings to wane, it has had quite the opposite effect.
“The phone is ringing off the hook since they made the announcement – it’s buzzing non stop,” Ian, of Stoke-on-Trent, told What’s the Jam.

“People want us for anything and everything.
“People are calling to ask us to perform in their houses and gardens on a Wednesday night.
“I’m getting 10 enquiries per day where we used to get one or two, but there are only so many days in a year and people usually want weekends.
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“It’s amazing for the business. People are booking us well in advance.
“We’ve got bookings for November next year so it’s nice to be able to sit back knowing that we’ve got the work.
“January is usually a quiet time for bands but we’re even busy then.
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“We thought it might have the opposite effect. We thought we might be out of a job.”
Oasis, which was integral to the 1990s Britpop scene but split in 2009, announced on 27 August that it will reunite next year for a worldwide tour, starting with 17 concerts in the UK and Ireland.

Millions of fans flocked online early last Saturday (31 Aug) as tickets for the first joint gigs by Liam and Noel Gallagher in 16 years went on sale.
But with demand outstripping supply, many were left disappointed.
Ian has played alongside Noel impersonator and guitarist Paul Mitchell, 41, for 13 years after the original member emigrated to Australia.
Bassist Joshua Walker, 26, and drummer James Graham, 27, joined the band four years ago.
The quartet usually play 120 gigs a year where they perform classic singles with Ian usually sporting a parka.

Ian said: “I assumed that people would want to see the real thing because we filled that gap when they weren’t together.
“Our band plays the music because they are no longer there.
“Now they’re back together and if they stay together they might make an album and that might come back on us but people can’t get enough of us.
“We’ve certainly got Oasis to thank. I’m really looking forward to the year ahead.”
Ian said even back in 1994, he could tell Oasis was going to be huge.
He said: “I followed them after that [gig] and thought I’d give it a go.
“We’ve been lucky because we’ve managed to make a living out of it for 20 odd years.
“I was gutted when they split up. I was a big fan from the start.
“I’ve seen them four times and I wish I’d seen them the year they broke up.”
Ian says it felt natural for him to take on the role of Liam as he had the same haircut.
Ian added: “I always had a bit of a Liam look. People always used to say that. We’ve got the same haircut.
“When I walk into a venue people will say ‘so you’re the Liam then’.
“I’m bored of the haircut now but I can’t cut it.”
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