Astronaut to take Polish dumplings into space for first time
Polish astronaut Sławosz Uznański-Wiśniewski will bring pierogi to space for the first…
Woman who married a ROLLERCOASTER has wed TWO more since getting divorced to first hubby – and wears ring to celebrate union
Gaëlle Engel, who once married a rollercoaster, has divorced and remarried twice.…
Ex-Morrisons worker reveals FIVE things supermarket shoppers do wrong – from why you should STOP buying grated cheese and never ignore the bottom shelf
A former Morrisons worker shares five money-saving supermarket tips - stick to…
Pro wrestlers battle it out on packed bullet train in front of stunned passengers
Pro wrestlers stunned passengers with a live match on Japan’s bullet train,…
British family-of-four who ALL work at Amazon ‘place bets’ on who will mention the job at dinner first
Family-of-four all work at Amazon and place bets on who mentions it…
Footie fan gets down on one knee to get back together with ex during match
A football fan wins back his ex-girlfriend with a surprise ring and…
Pet snake trained to use the TOILET by owner
A pet albino Burmese python stuns the internet by using a toilet,…
Woman finds mystical rainbow-coloured sea creature on popular British beach
A woman in Cornwall discovered a rare rainbow sea slug in a…
Leonardo DiCaprio has new species of frog named after him
A newly discovered frog species, Phyllonastes dicaprioi, has been named after Leonardo…
From the man in love with a bundle of BALLOONS to the woman who married a rag doll – are these the strangest romances of all time?
From a woman who married a rag doll to a man in…