A heartbreaking clip of a late couple’s final dance has gone viral on social media, after it was attached via a QR code on their gravestone.
In a video which has gone viral on TikTok, a man films himself approaching the stone with the unusual feature.
After scanning the code, he found it was the precious memories of the couple’s family, who had uploaded memories of them.
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The video – which is featured on What’s The Jam and shared by the makers of the stone, Remember Well – garnered over 86,000 views and left viewers touched.
The TikTok starts: “I can’t believe what I saw at the cemetery today.
“There was a QR code on the headstone so I scanned it…
“This was their last dance.
“Their family uploaded all their memories,
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“This is such a beautiful idea from the brand Remember Well.
“It’s not just a headstone anymore, it’s a living stone.
“With all the memories they’ve made in their life.”
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One viewer commented: ““What beautiful way to use technology.”
Another user said: “Very good,”
“I hate these they are so sad,” said one user
Priscilla added: “I really need to do this.”